Gold Dust No. 156

  • June 5, 2019

God blesses those people who make peace. They will be called his children! (Matthew 5:9 CEV)

When Christ came to this world, He intended to bring peace on earth and goodwill to all men. He came as a Son of God, the Prince of Peace. As we are children of the God of Peace, we are to be like Him. We are to follow the examples of Jesus Christ. We are to seek the path of peace and follow it. Let us have peace with all men so that we can liberally proclaim the words of God and be able to bring them to the fold of Christ. However, let us be careful not to compromise the truth in order to have peace with the unbelievers. The peace we have in Christ is true and spiritual, which is true inner peace found only in having the knowledge of the truth. Hold on to the truth and live in peace.

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