You, too, must be patient. Don’t giveup hope. The Lord will soon be here. (James 5:8 GW)
The spiritual battle we are now fighting has already been decided before it was even started. We know the enemies, Satan and his fallen angels. We are Christ’s soldiers. We now know Christ as the Almighty God, the Lord of Hosts. God is on our side, we need not fear. This fight we are in is His fight. He will not leave us. We know He leads us to victories until it is over. We suffer a little while but if we stand firm and fight to the end He will reward us. He will glorify us and give us glorious immortal bodies suited for heaven. There will be no more death, sickness, hunger and thirst, no more tears and pain. Everything we suffer in this life will vanish and a new, everlasting and blessed life will be ours when He returns. Hold on to this hope. Rejoice, knowing that this promise is true. March on Christian Soldiers! Push forward. Deliver those who are slaves of sins. Release them from Satan’s bondage. Fight for your souls, fight for the souls of our brothers in bondage. Bring every soul to Christ!