Let Us Pray No. 14

  • January 14, 2017

“My voice you shall hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning I will direct it to you, and I will look up.” Psalms 5:3

As I open my eyes each morning, my soul seeks You, my Lord. When I arise, I raise my head to look up to You and kneel before You to offer You my prayer of praise. I worship You in spirit and in truth. I shall approach You in Your Holy altar to pray for You as long as I live, to thank You and serve You, for my soul knows fully well that You are the only one who gives us the breath of life and the opportunities to enjoy it for as long as we live according to Your purpose and will.

Abba, Father, please enable us to do our duties and fulfill our obligations for the day. Show me, oh God, things that are true, noble, just, pure, lovely, proper, admirable and excellent that I may be able to live righteously. Fill my soul with your spirit and my heart with Your love that you may live in me and be manifested in what I think, say and do. Let me enjoy your peace throughout the day with my family and friends and with all those whom I will get in touch with.

Abba, Father, I don’t exactly know what the day may bring forth. I ask for Your protection from any dangers and temptations that we shall face as we walk through the day. Save us from any the snares of unseen enemies. Let my voice be among the voices of all the saints each morning, with our heads up and knees down in praise to the Most High God. Hear our voice, Father, and give us the strength and raise us up until we are perfect in Your sight. Amen.

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