“Give to the LORD the glory due His name. Bring an offering, and come before Him. Oh, worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness!” 1 Chronicles 16:29
Abba, great God who dwells in heaven! Your deeds are wonderful, too marvelous to describe. You are the King of kings and the Lord of lords. Father, who can stand in Your sight? For You are a God who is not pleased with wrongdoings; sinners cannot stay with you. With all lowliness, we approach Your glorious throne. We are pleading for Your name’s sake to please pardon our iniquity and our sin. Thank you, Father for being a forgiving God, gracious and merciful indeed. May you seek in us, our humble spirit and repentant heart and let the richness of Your goodness allow us to overcome our frailties until we become perfectly holy in the likeness of Your perfect image. Abba, we dedicate to You our bodies, souls and spirit as a living sacrifice. We offer to You the fruits of our labor, our tithes, and our sacrifices of thanksgiving as fulfillment of our vows to You. We earnestly desire to give glory to Your name by abiding in Your decrees. Most of all Father, may our congregational worship service offered in Your name be acceptable to you. May you see that, we, your children are united in our fellowship, serving and loving one another for the edification of Your body and for Your glory. Please receive our sincere gratitude for Your provision and salvation in the past week. As we start another week, may we receive Your blessings and Your words which are food to our soul that we may be strong to face the challenges of tomorrow. Hosanna to the Highest. Amen.