Power Point No. 94

  • April 4, 2018

The glory of the LORD shall endure forever: the LORD shall rejoice in his works. (Psalms 104:31 KJV)

Men glory in the things that last only until their lifetime. They may glory in their wealth, knowledge, and honor. These things certainly fade. Shrines may be erected in their honor but in time, may break and fall, then, their memories pass away. God is different from men. His glory, being the Creator, does not fade. His glory was established even before the heavens and earth were created and it will last forever. All of God’s creations are excellent. They show His immense power, wisdom, and skills. He delights in His Creation. The masterpiece is when He created us anew in His own godly image. We became His special people. We were created wonderfully and magnificently. Let us, appropriately live according to His designs and expectations. Let us magnify His Holy name and proclaim His glory for everyone to see.

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