Power Point No. 310

  • November 6, 2018

I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. (Ephesians 1:17 NIV)

Beloved, here is our prayer for you, that the eyes of your heart be opened for you to see the glorious beauty and the infinite power of our Lord God, Jesus Christ. Let us not focus on the things of this world. There is much more to see and to enjoy than the material world. However, we cannot see and know God with our own efforts and bare eyes. If you seek God, you will not find Him unless He reveals Himself to you. Step out in faith and pray that He show Himself. Know God more. We cannot know Him unless we have an intimate relationship with Him. Every day, He shows Himself to demonstrate His power and prove His love for us and all mankind. But most people ignore Him because they focus on themselves, on others, and on the things of the world. Brothers and Sisters, do not let the opportunity pass by. Seize the moment to see God and Know Him better every day. Grow in the knowledge of God. Again, as it is said, if you see Him and know Him more, you will love, serve, and worship Him more. Delight in the Lord!

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