Power Point No. 280

  • October 7, 2018

Your arm is endued with power; your hand is strong, your right hand exalted. (Psalms 89:13 NIV)

When we are in tight situations and need comfort, we try to grasp the hand of those who care for and love us. Suddenly, we find comfort and strength just by holding their hands. The reason we feel that way is because we trust them. We know that we are in good hands, no harm will befall us, and that help is available anytime we need it. However, we should recognize that the powerful hand of God is what we should trust the most. His power is unchanging. He is there any time we need Him. He will not forsake us nor depart from us. He will lead us to peace and comfort. His strong hand will not only protect us but will also make us endure until we pass through life’s troubles. Hold on tight to God’s hand and do not drift away from Him.

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