We don’t have the right to claim that we have done anything on our own. God gives us what it takes to do all that we do. (2 Corinthians 3:5 CEV)
We are all but vessels of ministry according to what God has entrusted us. We also receive from Him – through the laying of hands by the Church Elders – the abilities, skills, courage, opportunities, and power so that we may be able to accomplish our ministries. We know that by ourselves alone, we are insufficient in everything needed to complete the task at hand. God is the only source of all that we need to live and do as He purposed in our lives. If He called us to serve in whatever capacity, He does not leave as alone. He disciples us until we are perfect, strengthened, and established for the work of the ministry. Therefore, we cannot claim that we succeeded in our ministry because of our own doing. We cannot boast of the triumph we gain. With all humility, give all the glory to God. Thank Him for the opportunity to serve Him and say, “WE ARE UNWORTHY SERVANTS. WE HAVE DONE WHAT WAS OUR DUTY TO DO. GLORY BE TO GOD!”