“Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; nor His ear heavy, that it cannot hear.” Isaiah 59:1
Abba, our God. We are very grateful in your awesome mercy and overflowing graces. There is great difference between the effects of the two Adams in the history of mankind. Because of the sin of the first Adam, sin and death ruled and condemned us to be punished in eternal destruction. But by one great act of your righteousness as the second Adam, which you revealed when you came to this world, to give this free gift of salvation, we are now accepted by you and are now made right and are predestined to the adoption as your children, who are partakers of your glory. How amazing is your love that you washed away our sins even if it is as scarlet as blood now we are as white as snow. We thank you and praise you, Father.
It is now our turn to bring back the favor you have done for us. But what do we have that we do not owe from you? What we are now is only because of you. Command us and we will obey, Father. We only implore you to make us able to see your hands at work in establishing your kingdom in our hearts for you are our King and Master. Father, please lend your hand that we may be able to continue to work out our own salvation, by continue living in holiness which you started in us. We are fully aware that there shall be tribulations and sufferings but we will cling to your arms so we can stand firm in the tower of faith. We will cry out on you for help day by day. It is our daily hope that you will hear us and answer us every time we are calling your name. Touch us today by your Holy Spirit Lord. This we pray to you. Amen.