Gold Dust No. 117

  • April 27, 2019

That’s why we brag in God’s churches about your endurance and faith in all the persecutions and suffering you are experiencing. Your suffering proves that God’s judgment is right and that you are considered worthy of his kingdom. (2 Thessalonians 1:4-5 GW)

It is the Year of Increase! I am confident that you are all receiving the graces the Lord gives in abundance. Grow more in your faith, having added in you the knowledge and understanding about the beloved Church where you belong. The continuous revelation of God Himself to us Saints regarding His divinity, His eternal plans and the eternal power and wisdom that carries these plans to fruition. There is an obvious increase in your involvement and commitment to the Mission. Your labor and your contributions to this cause have brought many lost souls to Christ and even more are coming from different mission fields of the Church. Most importantly is the proof of your increase in the love of Christ enduring all trials and sufferings to serve the Great God and in your zeal to regularly offer thanksgiving and praises to His name in our Most Holy Worship and Thanksgiving Services. I encourage you to offer the sacrifices of thanksgiving on our Anniversary Celebration for the glory of God. Can God count on you to worship and thank Him on that Day? COME AND BE BLESSED!!!

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