Your reward for trusting him will be the salvation of your souls. (1 Peter 1:9 NLT)
In God we trust. Your aim in trusting the Lord should be the salvation of your soul. It is the purpose why God has given us the faith in Him through the revelations of His words. No one can save himself. The Lord God Jesus Christ is our only savior. It is not because of who we are and what we did nor do we deserve to be saved but because of His grace and His Agape. Agape is His perfect love. Faith without works is dead. It is proven by our works of obedience. We obey not to be saved for we are already saved. We obey because of our faith, of our trust and love in Him. The perfect love of God should produce perfect faith in us. Perfect faith is when we pass the tests and trials, the fire that purifies the faith. Trials results in us patience, patience produces perfect works, thus, perfect faith. Hold on to a golden principle of faith, HE WHO ENDURES TO THE END SHALL BE SAVED!