FP No. 25

  • January 25, 2016

By faith Sarah herself also received strength to conceive seed, and she bore a child when she was past the age, because she judged Him faithful who had promised.

Hebrews 11:11 NKJV
A woman is pregnant at the age of 90 to a husband who is 100 years old! Are you kidding me? Impossible!! No it is not. Sarah and her husband Abraham were of that age when Isaac was conceived. How did it happen? God promised them and He did it. Sarah and Abraham believed God without an iota of doubt. Considering also that the promise was given 25 years before the conception. It was a long wait, but they waited and it was not in vain. They got what God promised them, a child who will be the seed of Abraham who will be the Father of many nations and Sarah the mother of many children. The barren woman will bear sons and daughters as many as the sands along the seashores and as great a number as the stars in heaven. Faith works. The impossible becomes possible with faith in God. If you are in place of great impossibility, let your faith in God work. God is gracious enough to act on our behalf. He will make things happen. Nothing is impossible with God. He comes at the right time, at the right place and with the right remedy. Know that He acts so people will see His glory. That there will be no doubt that He is the one who is working in us. He acts in a great way so He is that He be glorified. So, why not put your trust in Him. Believe in the impossible. Just like Sarah, she believed and she achieved. Believe and you will achieve. Do the impossible through faith in God. Prove it!

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