FP No. 24

  • January 24, 2016

By faith Abraham obeyed when he was called to go out to the place which he would receive as an inheritance. And he went out, not knowing where he was going.

Hebrews 11:8 NKJV
Have you ever experienced going to a distant place you have no knowledge about? Doubts, uncertainties, fears can come to mind. Most probably, you will not go. Abraham did. He left his father’s household, brought his whole family and all his possessions to start a new life to a place he even does not know. Because of his faith in God, he obeyed. Faith is the assurance or certainty that what God said is true. He went with the hope that he will receive God’s promises. What Abraham did was not blind obedience. It is faithful obedience. His obedience has a firm foundation and that is the words of the Almighty God. Abraham’s journey was not at all easy. But he went anyway, trusting God every step of the way. Brethren, we have embarked in our journey to perfection. It is not an easy task. But we have to persevere to the end to please the Lord. We have faith that He was the one who called us and started the work of perfecting us. We trust that He will finish His work. What we have to do is to keep trusting and to keep obeying God’s instructions. Perfection can be achieved. Jesus showed us how. By faithful obedience and by loving Him, He will pave the way to the finish line. At the end of the journey, the glorious crown of righteousness is awaiting for us who will endure.

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