God treated me with kindness. His power worked in me, and it became my job to spread the good news. (Ephesians 3:7 CEV)
God is good all the time! We are witnesses of His loving-kindness. Great is His faithfulness in His love for us. The power of His love extends without fail in our lives: from the time we wake up in the morning until the time we close the day to rest. We have peace even in our sleep for we know He watches over us. As the sun rises in the morning and sets in the evening, so is His life-giving power. As the moon shines and the stars decorate the sky in the evening, so is His love that gives us peace and calmness in our rest. Though there are rain and strong winds, darkness and uncertainties, in life, we know that God will set a beautiful sky and a hopeful rainbow in the horizon, giving us hope for a better day. God showed us His great power. We have especially been saved from the curse of sins. We are now able to speak of what we experience in Christ. We can proclaim His saving power. We can be true witnesses of the glory of Christ. Let us make it our obligation, duty, and life’s purpose to tell others of His saving love and His AMAZING GRACE. Will you do it? Will you tell others of His AGAPE?