Let Us Pray No. 189

  • July 8, 2017

“And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” Romans 8:28

Abba, our loving and gracious Father, your love for us is absolute, unconditional and everlasting. You have proven it time and time again in our lives. You generously poured your great love for us when you came down to deliver us from the penalty of sin through your death on the cross. Because of your death, we died with you, and with your resurrection we became new creations, so that you can justify us and declare us to be without sin. Your death became our death and your righteousness became our righteousness. Being righteous, you gave us the honor to be your beloved sons and daughters. From then on, we have experienced your great love for us. Likewise, we have this great hope of your promise to give us the crown of life and be with you forever. We cannot doubt your love for us. Although we suffer in this life, we still trust you. We know fully well, for we have experienced them ourselves, that your love for us abounds. Our sufferings are your ways to magnify your love, righteousness and sovereignty over all things. It is not for us to judge you of what happens in our lives. It is you who knows what is best for us. At the end of every suffering, you have in store for us our greater good according to your will. Lord, let us hold fast to our faith in your love. Make us submit ourselves to your will. May we be able to hope for our rainbow after the storm, and your promises of blessings, our pot of gold, when we follow your ways, our rainbow that brightens and colors our world. Lord, everything that happens to us is an act of your everlasting love. May we be able to return the love you graciously give us by being faithful to you in obeying your words that transform us to be holy and righteous, in praise and glory of your name. Amen.

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