Abba, our Father in heaven, who teaches us the ways of heaven, the most excellent way, which is the way of love. The world that we live in has its own wicked ways of resentment and hate. The old law of “a tooth for a tooth” and “an eye for an eye” which is supposedly obsolete still exists in the world. This is why the world is in chaotic state. There is no peace and love but hostilities and war. Likewise, each one looks only after his own interest without consideration for the sake of others. People dream of a perfect society but its realization is impossible unless they find their way in the right path of holiness and love. You have shown us how to live in love and holiness. You taught us the same way of living. Lord, give us the patience of the Saints to live the same way you did until change happens in the world. Let us be the living examples of people who trust in you. Vengeance is in your hands. You will avenge us against those who did us wrong. Give us the perseverance not to stain our hands with the blood of our enemies. Instead, give us the understanding to consider that they intend not to hurt us but the evil one who is in them. Then, Lord, we can pray for them and bless them for truly, as you said, we should love even our enemies. We pray that we be not conform with the ways of the world but the ways of your Kingdom. Amen.
Let Us Pray No. 179
- June 28, 2017