Let Us Pray No. 143

  • May 23, 2017

“Return to your rest, O my soul, For the LORD has dealt bountifully with you.” Psalms 116:7

Abba, our Lord, who delivered us from the power and oppression of sins. Thank you for each day that your tender mercies and abounding love. Our sorrows turned into happiness and our doubts into assurance because of your patience and understanding. You lavished us with blessings inwardly and outwardly, materially and spiritually. Even if we sometimes feel exhausted and the load we bear is heavy, you send us help and comfort through our loving family, our Covenant Agape Partners, the Ministers and lay-people and friends who deeply care for us. Most of all, Lord, you lead us to the strings of victories against the challenges we face in propagating and advancing your Kingdom on earth. We are never desperate even if we appear to be swallowed by the giant gods of this world. Like Jonah the Prophet, we will land on the shores to tell all the people of all nations that you are the true and living God, the Savior, the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings. Surely, Lord, you will give them into our hands and we will bring them to you to praise you and worship you. Amen.

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