Let Us Pray No. 137

  • May 17, 2017

“The LORD shall preserve you from all evil; He shall preserve your soul.” Psalms 121:7

Abba, our loving and caring God and Father, we thank you for keeping us unharmed from all dangers of life that occur everyday. Because of the rampant and increasing lawlessness and iniquities, death, tragedy and mishaps are everywhere. People are scared, confused and anxious. Most of them are turning to worldly and sinful pleasures to divert their fear of danger rather than have fear of you. Lord, sometimes fear and worries keep lurking in our minds but because of our faith and hope thatwe have in your words, trust and peace prevail in our hearts. Lord, we hand over to you whatever we may encounter today and to the next. Strengthen us, sustain us and enable us to hold on to your faithful love and promises. Help us keep our promises, as well, by remaining immovable in serving you. As the stars are shining in the dark of the night, may we shine as faithful and glorious children of your most holy kingdom. Amen.

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