Let Us Pray No. 118

  • April 28, 2017

“But what things were gain to me, these I have counted loss for Christ.” Philippians 3:7

Abba, our God the provider of everything we need. Truly we brought nothing upon our birth and we will take nothing as with death. What we are and where we are now we owe from you. We thank you for the life, strength, ability and opportunities we use to have decent and dignified qualities of life. But more than that we pray and ask you Lord to give us wisdom in giving great value of being concern with the interest of our souls more than anything else. For you made us understand that there is nothing we can give in exchange for our souls and that whoever loves wealth will not be satisfied with more income because it will be like wages stored in bags full of holes. Father, keep us away Lord from the love of money for it would surely be an obstacle to our perfection and salvation. May we learn to be contented and to use our resources in a way we can serve you and glorify you. Enable us to be your hands of help to others in need by sharing to them what we have as we believe that it is more blessed to give than to receive. Amen.

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