Power Points No. 316

  • November 12, 2018

I promise to be with you and keep you safe, so don’t be afraid. (Jeremiah 1:8 NIV)

“Go and make disciples of all nations…and I am with you always…” God sent us to preach the Gospel of salvation to all until His second coming. This is a significant task entrusted to us: to prepare all men for His coming. We have to turn the world upside down which Satan has turned through deception. We need to preach, teach, and witness for God. If we keep silent, no one will know the truth and it will be an eternal loss. The same way that the gain is great if we win someone for Christ. One soul is greater than the whole world. The cost of witnessing for Christ is really great. We are like lambs sent out among wolves. However, the Lord promised us that we are under His protection and provision. He shall send His spirit to strengthen us to endure all sufferings and words of wisdom shall be given to us that no one can argue against us. He promised that not one strand of hair of our head shall be lost. Our love for God shall take away our fears for we are confident that He will not leave nor forsake us. He will not disappoint us. Indeed, God will make us succeed. We shall be more than Conquerors for namesake.

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