Power Points No.268

  • September 25, 2018

The LORD Almighty is with us; the God of Jacob is our refuge. (Psalms 46:7 GNB)

The Lord commands the most powerful Armies of Mahanaim, His double hosts, consisting of angels and us Christian Soldiers and Ministers of His Church. Enmity between the Church and Satan and his seeds started when Satan caused the fall of men in Eden. This war is spiritual in nature. It is not against flesh and blood. We fight for our spiritual freedom and for our eternal life. We fight for the truth and for our faith. If we lose, we lose our rights and will be captured in hell to suffer eternally. Thus, the Lord is with us while we fight. He defends and protects us. He sends His angels when necessary to help us. He teaches us how to win in every encounter we have with the devil, his angels, and his seeds. We are destined to win this war because Satan has been defeated by the Lord. Soon, we shall trample Satan under our feet. Then, the eternal plan will be fulfilled that through the Most Holy Church, the manifold wisdom of God might be known by all the principalities and powers in heavenly places.

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