Power Point No. 359

  • December 25, 2018

The LORD has promised to fight on our side and to rescue our children from those strong and violent enemies. (Isaiah 49:25 CEV)

We are the children of God. Our Father will protect us from our enemies. Our foes may seem strong and impenetrable, but, in reality, they are nothing compared to God. Remember the 10 spies who went to Canaan to see whether it was a land flowing with milk and honey? All of them proved that what God said was true. However, the eight spies reported that there were “giants” in the land and they cannot go against them and win. They felt they were just “grasshoppers” compared to them. Their unbelief to the promise of God caused the whole of Israel not to claim the land. Only two, Joshua and Caleb, were strong in their faith that the land has been given to them already and they have to claim it. They were not heard. Thus, Israel wandered in the wilderness for forty years, not enjoying the promise land. They all died wandering because of their unbelief. The new generation, along with Joshua and Caleb, were the ones who were able to live and enjoy God’s promise of a blessed life. Go where God directs you. Do what God asks you to do. He saves us with temporal, spiritual, and eternal salvation. Believe and receive the blessings.

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