Power Point No. 356

  • December 22, 2018

God reigns over the nations; God sits upon His holy throne. (Psalms 47:8 AMP)

God, the Sovereign Creator of all things, is always in control. He intended that we should have dominion over all other creation, as we are in His image. Unfortunately, we fail to abide by God’s will. We are given the power to be “in-charge” but what we want is “full control”. We want to be “gods”. We would like to be in control of our lives, our affairs, and even in control of other people’s lives. We place ourselves as kings and queens. We can do that only for some time. Know that God is the one already sitting in His throne above, in the heavens. He dominates the whole creation, meaning He has full control of every affairs of the universe. He is in full control while we should be “in-charge” or responsible for what we do in our lives. We shall answer to Him and give account for our lives. If we reign as kings and queens, neglecting our responsibilities to Him, He will remind us of His Kingship. We experience failure, brokenness, confusion, weakness, sickness, etc. Then our knees are bent, an act of submission, to pray to God for help and restoration. Brethren, our Most High God rules. Let Him sit in the throne of our hearts to find peace, happiness, and success.

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