As they shouted, “Holy, holy, holy, LORD All-Powerful! The earth is filled with your glory.” (Isaiah 6:3 CEV)
The angels of the Lord continuously praise and worship the Most High God. His glory is declared in the Kingdom of Heaven forever. Brethren, we pray that His Kingdom in Heaven be visible on earth. His Kingdom now is the Most Holy Church. “Your Kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.” Who will worship the true God on earth? Who will declare His glory among men? As the angels proclaim His glory, so should we also declare His holiness, His righteousness, and His wonderful love for all mankind. Holy, holy, holy. It is required of us to completely tell everyone of His saving power. Three repetitions mean full proclamation of His holiness. We do that by preaching the Gospel fully, no more no less. When the Bible – which is the written words of God – speaks, we open our mouth to preach. When the Bible is silent, we do not talk. Meaning we should not preach anything not in the Holy Book. The truth that we say has the power to deliver the sinners from Satan’s bondage, to protect believers from evil, and to guide us to a victorious Christian life.