Power Point No. 342

  • December 8, 2018

You, the source of my life, showered me with kindness and watched over me. (Job 10:12 CEV)

Our Good Lord has granted us the breath of life and the opportunity to live and to enjoy it. We were made not as plants and animals nor other living things, but as humans, created after His image of holiness and righteousness, rational and sovereign over all other creatures on the face of the earth. He provided for our needs, from the womb of our mother where we were protected during conception and formation. After our physical birth, we have received the His full kindness, supporting and supplying us in our life’s journey. That alone is an immeasurable kindness of God. Even more important is His giving us His Spirit. Our souls are more important than our physical beings. We died because of our sins. We are now walking in the newness of life. We are now reborn as a new creature in Christ to walk according to His will. His kindness continues by giving our souls the living water, to quench our spiritual thirst, and the bread of life, to satisfy our spiritual hunger. We are not in need of anything for we have God who provides. We do not fear any longer because God is our Savior. Live a life that glorifies and gratifies the Lord God, Jesus Christ.

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