Power Point No. 173

  • June 22, 2018

I chose you to bring justice, and I am here at your side. I selected and sent you to bring light and my promise of hope to the nations. (Isaiah 42:6 CEV)

God purposed Himself to come to this world in the form of a man. His reason is to redeem those who will believe in Him. They are the people whom He will deliver from Satan. But as a righteous and just God, He has to do it the right way. He suffered the penalty of our sins to justify our salvation. He died instead of us. As a man, He gave us an example: to live victoriously, overcoming life’s various challenges. He was light that gave sight to the blind, to see the truth and walk by it. The path He took, as per His plan, is actually God’s plan and purpose for the Church, which is His body. His Church is us: although we are many, we are regarded as one body. Thus, like Christ, we are one with God. He is with us and we are with Him.

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