Power Point No. 141

  • May 21, 2018

We have spoken the truth, and God’s power has worked in us. In all our struggles we have said and done only what is right. (2 Corinthians 6:7 CEV)

The Spirit of God was sent to us in the last days to empower and guide us in our spiritual battle. We are given the shield on one hand and a sword on the other for defense and offense against our enemies. The faith and the words of truth are the weapons we have against all kinds of attacks. By ourselves alone, we cannot succeed. We need God on our side. We need Him for strength and wisdom. If we have God, we are complete and do not need anything. The key to our victory is our obedience to Him. What is right will keep us away from sin. Do right and reap what is right. If we walk in the way of the world, and become influenced by it, we will get into trouble. Death is waiting in front of us. The road we travel is approaching a dead end. Abide by the road signs. Do what is right and avoid trouble in the end. Travel peacefully and enjoyably by following God’s directions.

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