Power Point No. 14

  • January 14, 2018

I am the LORD All-Powerful, and I never change. That’s why you haven’t been wiped out. (Malachi 3:6 CEV)

With His great wisdom and power, where can God go wrong? Where and when can He fail? He cannot! Because of this, His purposes and ways remain the same. He does not have Plan B, only Plan A. His plan is always perfect. He is unlike any other who makes adjustments along the way. If He says He is the way, the truth, and, the life – it is so. If you believe in Him, receive His words and have faith and walk on them – you will receive everlasting life. If you do not stay on His way, walking in darkness and away from His truth – you will die a sinner in eternal hell. But if we change and go back to Him, we will receive life anew. So, it is us who must change. By changing, we change our course and our destiny. Stay on course. Walk in the light. Be with God.

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