Whether we are high above the sky or in the deepest ocean, nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:39 NLT)
Can you imagine how far is earth from heaven? If look at the earth together with the whole of the universe, earth appears to be just a dust particle compared to it. From that distance, Christ Jesus came to us and offered us His everlasting love. He even manifested Himself in the flesh, He suffered and died a criminals death on the cross to give us a concrete evidence of His Agape. He gave us the whole world. He gave us His self for the sake of our salvation. He did what seems to be impossible for us humans just for His love to be felt. Would we still doubt Him? Would we still think that there is a tiny bit of chance that He will leave us in any part of our life? May God forbid. This is a our living hope. No matter where we are under the sun, no matter what we do, and who we are with, God loves us! And will always pave way for the good things to come our way. May we live in love of God, forever and ever.