Power Point No. 123

  • May 3, 2018

I am the LORD All-Powerful. So don’t depend on your own power or strength, but on my Spirit. (Zechariah 4:6 CEV)

Throughout human history, God has led His people to have faith in Him. He saves not by the sword but by the power of His Spirit. When Israel warred against their foes, they won each time they abide by the Lord’s commands but lost whenever they depend on their own strength. Jesus Christ established the Most Holy Church while warring against evil forces led by Satan himself. The battle was not in the flesh but in the spiritual realm. Satan was defeated, not by human might but, by the divine power of God. As planned, human power nor satanic power, even death cannot prevail against the Church. Thus, we are conquerors in our own right, depending not in our human strength but the Spirit of God dwelling in us. It may seem a tall order for us to overcome the world but, through the power of God, it will not be. As a Royal Priesthood, we are destined to rule as Kings and Priests on earth.

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