Let Us Pray No. 70

  • March 11, 2017

“Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.” 1 Corinthians 10:31

Abba, our Father in Heaven, we give thanks to all that you have given us. We praise you for your kindness in giving us all that we need to live a decent life. Let us learn to trust you every single day that you will provide us our food to eat, water to drink, clothing to wear and shelter to protect our bodies and live peacefully. Just like Israel when they roam in the wilderness you gave them manna which is the bread from heaven for their food, fresh water from the rock to drink, their clothing and sandals did not wear for 40 years, you are miraculously giving us our daily provision. Lord, let us obey your command, let us be reminded that every time we eat or drink, we have to give you glory. If this is your command, not doing it will be sin. Thus, let us always give you heartfelt thanks for your kindness, knowing that your provisions blessings that come from you. When we say our prayers to bless the food we eat, let us be reminded that it came in a miraculous ways. The grains, the fruits juices and desserts, the water we drink, they all came to be because of your creative power. Let us also take and eat them trusting that you will give us the strength and heal our sickness that we may continue to live a holy life. Most of all, Lord, may we learn to help those who are in need and to share with them the blessings we receive from your hands. We thank you Lord for the bountiful blessings you are giving us, may we always use them to honor your name. Amen

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