Let Us Pray No. 53
“Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my strength and my Redeemer.” Psalms 19:14
Abba, dearest Father. We contemplate about the greatness of your Agape, we always see how extremely patient you are that though we deserve to be vessels of your wrath fitted to destruction, you made us vessels of your mercy and showed us the riches of your glory. You purchased our freedom by your blood for the remission of our sins. Our body, heart and soul are now curse-free. We beseech you Lord that you may continue to flood your blessings for us to become blessing to others. Abba, cover our hearts with your Holy Spirit thus we can leave no room to any sinful thoughts and lusts that may become words and words that might become actions. Sanctify our hearts so we may guard our words whenever we have to say something. Enable us to keep the doors of our lips from insulting and destructive words, from profanity and cursing and from filthy and foolish words. Let our words be seasoned with salt, gracious to the listener for the edification of every person I shall meet not only today but for always and most of all for your glory and praise. Thank you Father. Amen.