Let Us Pray No. 174

  • June 23, 2017

“Yes, many peoples and strong nations shall come to seek the LORD of hosts in Jerusalem, and to pray before the LORD.” Zechariah 8:22

Abba, Lord of Hosts, you commanded your angels and your ministers, the double hosts, to proclaim your glory to all creation. You are the Creator God whom all the people of the earth should worship and serve. Firstly, you own every human being because you made us. Secondly, you are the only true God, and no one else is beside you who is worthy of praise and worship. Thirdly, you love us with an everlasting love by reaching out for us; you who is Lord made a covenant of love with us who are your slaves. You have proven your love in your own way by assuming our lowly nature. Although you are God, you suffered and experienced death so that we can be delivered from the penalty of sin, purchase us with your blood to become your children. You called us our and gathered us to be your Church who will propagate the godly people through the transforming power of your Words of Truth. Lord, on our own we cannot accomplish this great commission. However, it is you who planned it long ago. You are faithful to your words and you are faithful and gracious to your church. Your promise of glory will certainly come. Your Church, the spiritual Jerusalem will be place of your glory. Lord, we are waiting for the fulfillment of your promise that people will come to your Church because they witness your glory, peace and love. Lord, your mighty hand is working to accomplish your plan. We witness the coming of many people from many nations to your Church to offer and submit themselves to you. May you glory be seen in your Church in this last days. Amen

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