Let Us Pray No. 151

  • May 31, 2017

“Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.” Matthew 7:12

Abba, our Father, you are Just and Holy, you are almighty and all-knowing. Above all, you are Agape love.  You came down to earth from heaven in a form of a man to personally show us how great your love is. You came not to condemn our sins but to wash them away through the shedding of your precious blood. You covered our bareness and brought us into adoption as beloved children of your kingdom. We did nothing to deserve these great blessings of love, oh God! What can we render to you for all these goodness you have done to us? Ah, Lord, enable us to love others even those who are difficult to love, those that hate and persecute us just because we are not of this world just as you are not. You have commanded us to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. Help us walk in kindness, compassion, caring, peace and forgiveness representing your exemplary life. In sincere faith, we hope and believe that we shall effectively multiply for what we sow we will harvest just as you promised. We shall reap souls that go back to you, to be with us, to love you back and to worship you. Amen.

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