FP No. 22

  • January 22, 2016

By faith Abel offered to God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, through which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts; and through it he being dead still speaks.

Hebrews 11:4 NKJV
What we offer God in worship matters to Him. What the condition of our hearts in worship also matters to Him. We ought to worship God and serve Him the most holy way. Most Sacred offering and service (Kabanalbanalang Pagsamba) is what He wants and nothing less. Let us take the case of Abel and Cain. Certainly, Adam and Eve taught their sons how to worship the Most High God. So they did. Note 1. It is our solemn duty to give God our worship with sacrificial offerings. Cain offered God the best fruits of the crops he harvested, for he was a farmer while Cain offered the best of his flock as a sacrifice because he was a shepherd. Note 2. We should offer God the most excellent sacrifice. As the word “sacrifice” implies, it must be something of great value to us which we are willing to impart and give God as a form of worship. It can be offerings of tithes, thanksgiving offering, sin offerings and others. What they offered were both excellent. But there is something in the sacrificial offering of Abel that made it MORE excellent. It is Abel’s faith that made it more excellent, acceptable and pleasing to God. Note 3. We should worship God and serve Him with faith in our hearts. It must be done with trust and hope that He will accept and be glorified. We must worship Him in Spirit and in truth. Because Cain’s offered was not accepted, he became angry and killed his brother Abel. Note 4. Do not be envious if others are accepted and you are not. Instead of getting angry, be encouraged to do your best. Note 5. God is a sovereign. He decide and no one can dictate to Him. Accept God’s will and try to do better each time for us to be acceptable to Him. Lastly, Abel was declared righteous. It is God himself who confirmed acceptance of Abel’s gift. So now, because of His faith, Abel is still teaching us on how to worship and serve God the excellently. Let us please God with our more excellent service, that the best we can offer, and with faith in our hearts. Remember, what you offer and the condition of hearts matter to god for us to be acceptable to Him.

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