Give up your crooked ways and your evil thoughts. Return to the LORD our God. He will be merciful and forgive your sins. (Isaiah 55:7 CEV)
Where is God in your life? Do we put Him on the sideline? Or totally forget Him? We usually tend to do both! Most of us forget that God took care of and watched us overnight. God does deserves to be gratified and be praised when we wake up in the morning. We do our daily chores without considering God’s plan for us for the day. These are the reasons why we do not succeed in our plans. The Bible says, we are to put God first in everything we do and plan and He will direct us to achieve our goal and be successful in life. Are we putting Him at the center of our lives? Do we put God first before anything else? When we wake up in the morning, let us start the day with a prayer of thanksgiving and request from Him direction, protection, and provision. In our daily walk, let us obey God first before anybody else. Even in our resources, give the first fruits of our products and return to Him the tithes. At the start of every week, that is the Lord’s Day (Adonai). Start worshiping Him. Meditate on His words every day and night to observe them faithfully. You will find that this leads to prosperity and great success.