Power Point No. 292

  • October 19, 2018

The LORD said: Be honest and fair! Soon I will come to save you; my saving power will be seen everywhere on earth. (Isaiah 56:1 CEV)

Keep on living in faith and in righteousness even if we are in the midst of faithless and sinful people. Let us faithfully serve the one true God, Jesus Christ, who paid ransom for our sins and now made us free from the penalty of our sins, which is the second death in the lake of fire. Judgment shall be given to all men when Christ comes back on earth. He will carry His judgment fair and square. We shall be rewarded with the crown of life while the sinners shall be put to hell. No one can ever save himself nor escape judgment. Only Christ can save us. Seek God. Hear the gospel of Christ. Repent and be baptized in the Most Holy Church of God in Christ Jesus. In the appointed time, everyone will see the power of the Lord in saving His people from the power of death. The saints who died in Christ shall rise from their grave and, in a split second, shall have immortal and perfect bodies fit to live forever. Brethren, be glad in this hope of Christ’s coming with His reward of Eternal life for all of us.

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