He made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be the glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. (Revelations 1:6 EMTV)
Melchizedek is the King-Priest forever. He is King of Salem, the Priest who blessed Abraham and whom he honored when he gave his tithes. Jesus Christ is the Chief Priest in the order of Melchizedek. So Christ is also King-Priest. He is King, whose dominion is forevermore. There can never be two kings and priests who reign eternally. It is clear from the Bible teachings that Christ is also Melchizedek. Christ as King-Priest bestowed us the double honor of being kings and priests under Him. We belong now to the Royal Priesthood, the Kingdom of Christ. Christ shall reign in the Millennium upon His return on earth. We shall be with Him after our resurrection, to rule the whole earth, with a new system of government, the perfect government of Christ. Peace, harmony, prosperity, joy, happiness, longevity, and all that we hope for in an ideal state will characterize Christ’s reign on earth. The Kingdom of Christ is coming soon. Prepare to meet Him and live forever.