I will give power over the nations to everyone who wins the victory and keeps on obeying me until the end. (Revelations 2:26 CEV)
We are now Christ’s Disciples or Learners. He is our Master, our Teacher. He teaches us godliness and righteousness. He imparts us His knowledge and wisdom. He trains us to face and overcome all challenges in life. He molds us to be good and faithful servants of God. He tests our skills, loyalty, spirit, and love for Him. Why? Because He would like us to be with Him when He returns to rule all the nations of the world. He intends to give us great power and authority to teach everyone how to serve and worship the only true God during the Millennial Kingdom. He has a great and wonderful purpose for us. What we do now, how we obey and serve Him, will decide our future. God already planned. Abide and cooperate with God on His plan. If we conquer this present world, we can rule the world to come. Plant the seed of the future. The SEED OF ONE WORLD AND ONE NATION (SOW ON) will be realized. For the mouth of the Lord has spoken it!