Let Us Pray No. 90

  • March 31, 2017

“Casting all your care upon Him for He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7

Abba, Heavenly Father, you are our living and true God. In any way you cannot be compared to all gods of the heathen. They are just made of silver, gold, wood and stones formed by the human hands. They have mouth and eyes but they can’t speak or see; they are completely deaf and cannot breathe, they are totally helpless. But you, our God, you alone are the giver of life and the all-knowing God. We fully believe, there is no lesser or greater petition that you cannot do or give for you have all the strength and power to rescue us and save us. Abba, Father, we promise you that whenever we are pressed and crushed by heavy trials, whenever troubles arises and even if the hope seems very thin, we will keep our faith that you will never leave us nor you will forsake us. Oh God, we are encouraged of the knowledge that in all afflictions we have it also afflicts you and in your love and compassion you will carry us and take care of us all the days of our lives. Amen.

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