“But the saints of the Most High shall receive the kingdom, and possess the kingdom forever, even forever and ever.” Daniel 7:18
Abba, Most High God our King. We praise you and thank you for the heavenly calling you as children of your kingdom. It is your grand vision to preach the Gospel of this kingdom throughout the whole world as a testimony to all the nations. We are aware that all creation is eagerly waiting for you to show who your children are. You have chosen and appointed us to go forth to build and establish your kingdom. We beseech you Father, help us to gather your people scattered abroad in one body which is your church. Rekindle to us your Agape love so we may show and prove it by welcoming them into your home especially those whose lives are in chains and mistreated by our spiritual adversary. You command us to work together for the advancement of your kingdom. Help us to do it under the spirit of loving each other as brothers and sisters. We fully believe that nothing can stand in our way, that you can even turn great mountains into plains for the accomplishment of your eternal purpose. Abba, Father, pour in to us your Holy Spirit so we may pour out ourselves in doing your desire for all men’s salvation to your honor, praise and glory. Amen.