Let Us Pray No. 134

  • May 14, 2017

“For the kingdom of God is not eating and drinking, but righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit.” Romans 14:17

Abba, our eternal Father King and God, thank you for the food and drinks we have in our daily livings. Thank you for the health and strength together with the breath of life you lend us. We may not have everything we want in this present life but we are assured that we are much blessed in having everything we need as citizens of your Most Holy Kingdom. Thank you, Father, for giving us the assurance that our labor and the love we show and minister to the saints and to others are not in vain. The progress we experience in your Kingdom on earth gives us peace and joy. We are witnessing your great and mighty hand working with zeal for the establishment and exaltation of your kingdom in the many parts of the world. We hold on to our blessed hope that greater things will happen in your Kingdom in these last days, prompting us to even push harder in propagating the faith and reaching out to the people of the world until your gospel is preached and believed for your glory. Lord  give us unwavering zeal and love for your work of salvation  that all of your children scattered in the world serve as seeds of your kingdom which are liken to tiny mustard seeds that will grow into a huge tree where the birds nest in it. This we pray in your name. Amen.

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