Let Us Pray No. 107

  • April 17, 2017

“Husbands, likewise, dwell with them with understanding, giving honor to the wife, as to the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life, that your prayers may not be hindered.”  1 Peter 3:7

Abba, Father the Highest, we thank you for another fresh new start of the day. We praise you with gladness of the heart and soul. Today, we would like to lift our prayers for the heads of every household belonging to your one big family. Let their love towards their wives be just like you as the head and savior of your most beloved church. You sanctified her by the power of your words to make her glorious and splendid in your eyes. Let every man of the house be like you as the source of courage and kindness, being the shadow of your examples inside and outside of their homes. Let their generosity be felt first by their wives and children to create joy and laughter within their family circle whereby charity should first begin. Lord, enable them as the big man of the house by making you as the ruler of their partnership in life and make them firm in making choices of what is righteous, honorable and holy in your sight. Father, we entreat your provision for every Christian homes of their needs, may it be physical, moral, mental, emotional but most of all in spiritual health and wealth. May every home be filled with prayers and holiness for we believe that the family that prays together and serve you together will become the most blessed family ever. Amen.

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