But I don’t care what happens to me, as long as I finish the work that the Lord Jesus gave me to do. And that work is to tell the good news about God’s great kindness. (Acts 20:24 CEV)
We are chosen to be instruments to declare the glory of the Lord. Even before the beginning of time, God has purposed that the Church will show forth His manifold wisdom and His mighty power to all the powers and dominions in the whole universe. Our mission is to tell the good news that God came in the world, assumed a human form who is Jesus Christ, to save mankind from Satan and from the punishment of sin. Only He can save us. He gave His life as a ransom for many. He bought the Church with His blood. It is the greatest love of all. The Agape of God saved us. It is our duty to tell and show others our transformed lives a proof that we are the chosen children of God. Be the light of the world, the salt of the earth.