Work for the good of the city where I’ve taken you as captives, and pray to the LORD for that city. When it prospers, you will also prosper. (Jeremiah 29:7 GW)
Another fruitful year for the Most Holy Church! The Lord is counting on you, being a part of His body. Do everything you can for the good of His body. Nurture it, take care of it, support and love it, for it is also your body. He has promised to increase and grow His body until it is perfected. When the Church grows and increases spiritually, you are the first to benefit from it. Peace, joy, prosperity and honor shall be yours. These things cannot be bought by silver or gold. It is priceless. More than that, look at the everlasting life and our share in the holiness of the great and wonderful God. Is it not amazing be glorified in heaven by the Creator of life, of heaven and earth? Why don’t you thank Him today? Promise Him your loyalty, your love and yourself. Let us celebrate the love and life God has bestowed upon us. Praise Him in the assembly of the Saints. In one voice, let us exalt His great name: Hallelujah to the highest!