Power Point No. 145

  • May 25, 2018

And how very great is his power at work in us who believe. This power working in us is the same as the mighty strength. (Ephesians 1:19 GNB)

Brothers and Sisters in Christ, let us worship the Lord today in remembrance of the greatness of His power which is working in us through His Spirit. That same mighty power was proven when Jesus Himself rose from the dead and was glorified when He ascended to heaven. By faith, we received the forgiveness of our sins and as heirs to His promises, we are saved and are devoted to a life in heaven. We were walking dead because of our sins and were given new Spirit, the Spirit of God, for us to live anew. Only God can give us life because He is the source of life. Having a new life in Christ, we have the power to overcome all trials and tribulations. The Spirit of God working in us is like the wind that blows our sail in the middle of the vast ocean as we journey in life until we reach our divine destiny. Without the wind, the Spirit of God, we will be lost forever without any hope of salvation.

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