Let Us Pray No. 94

  • April 4, 2017

“LORD, be merciful to me; heal my soul, for I have sinned against you.” Psalms 41:4

Abba, Lord God. I am seeking your favor with all my heart for I have sinned against you and against your decrees. Be merciful and gracious to me according to your promises. I thought about my life when at times, I languished and stacked in my weakness. Your patience and forgiveness never fail to redirect my path. Your words of encouragement shepherded me and healed the wounds of sins that caused sufferings in my soul. Lord, thank you for never giving up on me. You have all the reasons to punish and destroy us yet you are so gentle and softhearted and a long-suffering Father to your children. I wish and I pray that I may repay you with my loyalty in whatever you want me to do. May I be able to completely submit my entire being into your Kingship and do as you say without doubt and hesitation. Command me Lord and I will gladly obey. This I pray to you. Amen.

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