“Sow for yourselves righteousness; Reap in mercy; Break up your fallow ground, for it is time to seek the LORD, till He comes and rains righteousness on you.” Hosea 10:12
Abba, our Most High God, our Father and our King, I stand before you today to seek your will that will guide me in my walk today. You have known me since you formed me in my mother’s womb, and have seen me all my life. I am amazed that you have done great and wonderful things in my life. I delight in the family and friends that I have come across, of great opportunities, challenges, of victories and of our provisions for me to live a fulfilled life. it is you who taught me to be strong, and gave me wisdom through my failures and mistakes that I have committed along the way. I fully understand that through those experiences and struggles, you are preparing me for greater and more important work according to your purpose. Now oh, Lord, I believe in my heart that it is you who put in my heart the desire to live in holiness which you started in me when you chose me to be your child.
Abba, Father, I pray that you I may use every resources you have given me to fully use them for your glory. These are the fallow grounds in my life, which do not bear fruits of holiness. Open my hands to willingly and happily give to your works, that I may sow and reap holiness in the end. Give me a heart full of mercy and love for others that I may show them the way of righteousness. Give me the strength to remove the weeds in me, those things which you abhor, the sins that crept in my soul that prevent me from bearing fruits of righteousness in you. Lord, while I break the fallow ground in me, pour in me your Holy Spirit and bless me that I may offer you greater works for your greater glory. Amen.