Let Us Pray No. 16

  • January 16, 2017

“Rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation, continuing steadfastly in prayer.” Romans 12:12

Abba, Heavenly Father.  You are our strength, our fortress and our deliverer. Thank You for turning another new page of our lives. Each new day reminds us of Your everlasting covenant and it gives us joy and happiness incomparable to the pleasures the world may offer.  Your steadfast love and mercies are fresh and new every morning.  Today in your presence we commend to You our tasks. Lord our God, we fully understand that being Your chosen ones we may encounter difficult trials along the day. We are not questioning You of these hardships but if ever we might feel we can’t go on, help us to hold on to Your promised salvation here and after. Let our blessed hope we have in You become the anchor of our soul that keeps us at peace whenever the sail of our lives is windy and stormy. We keep on believing that as You came down to the world to suffer, we will also suffer for us to rise up in heaven to be with You in eternal glory. Father, we rejoice for the chance to suffer because suffering will stop us from sinning.  From the strength we have in You, we will continue what we have started aiming to be partakers of Your glory, to live in perfecting the holiness. Help us, oh Lord we pray now and forever. Amen.

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