“For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.” Ephesians 5:8
Abba, our God Almighty, all your works and ways are righteous and holy. We want to be righteous and holy just as you are, to be worthy and acceptable to your divine calling. We know that our day to day lifestyle is exceedingly significant in pursuing this goal. May it be revealed in all we say and do. Help us to avoid choosing what is only pleasing to ourselves. Help us to live each day in the light of your words. Being your own children, let us be rooted in faith to live strongly in faith and to share our faith to others. Lord, fill us with your pure wisdom and love for they give us clarity of mind and heart. Life becomes serene, happy and bright whenever your presence and spirit is around. Thank you, Father, you rooted us out from the dark and turbulent path of our life before. Let each of us be a shining example of the life of holiness you revealed to the world. Amen.